

QSL Karten versende ich über den DARC sowie per eQSL.

Falls eine Karte direkt gewünscht wird, bitte ich um Zusendung eines frankierten Rückumschlages (gilt für Deutschland).

For all first contacts I print out a paper qsl-card which shall go its way via the bureau, but all contacts are verified by sending the dates to eqsl.net. From time to time the qsos go also to lotw.

If you want a second qsl-card (maybe for another frequency or mode) let it me know, please.

If you wish my card direct, I beg to send me an irc or US$ 2.00 for my answer.  Sorry, US$ 1 isn’t sufficient for postage outside Germany. For Europe  1 € will be sufficient.


Take also a look at www.db4bj.jimdo.com,  please.

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt:

Martin Klar

Kuckucksweg 5

26131 Oldenburg


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